
A Semantic landscape

General requirements

General features we have to track of assets:

These two follow DMP and FAIR practices, see for example this presentation.

Specific assets will have additional requirements or specific more detailed information about the second two requirements.

Information sources and plugins

Information about databases, datasets, model, and relationships are collected but also retrieved from other data sources.

Data sources

Currently, the following data sources are being used:

SPARQL sparql/allDatasources.rq (run)

PREFIX void:    <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX dc:      <>
SELECT ?resource ?resourceLabel ?img WHERE {
  ?void a void:DatasetDescription ;
    dcterms:title|dc:title ?resourceLabel .
  OPTIONAL { ?void dc:source ?resource }
  OPTIONAL { ?void foaf:img ?img }

This gives us:

resource img
Computational models for the assessment of manufactured nanomaterials
SbD4nano WP2 Causal Relationships
Data completeness and reusability assessment for 34 nanosafety datasets
SbD4nano Nanocompound
The Toxicology Collection
AOP-Wiki data
AOP-Wiki Key Event Relationships
NanoWiki v6 causal relationships
SmartNanoTox Transcriptomics datasets
Overview of open datasets released by NanoSafety Cluster projects
NanoInformaTIX Tools
NanoSolveIT Tools
Open datasets hosted at the Nanosafety Data Interface
Closed datasets hosted at the Nanosafety Data Interface
NanoCommons Knowledge Base - powered by BioXM™
Cloud services provided by VHP4Safety
Health-RI tools and services

The following sections highlight a few EU NanoSafety Cluster projects.


SmartNanoTox provides a few datasets:

type resource
Dataset Effect of cell passage number on gene expression in NR8383 macrophages
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to Printex90
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells in control condition (DMEM culture medium supplemented with 10% of fetal bovine serum)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells in control condition (water, H2O)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells in submerged condition (control)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to TiO2 (NM105, p25 anatase/rutile)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to NM403 carbon nanotubes
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to TiO2 (NRCWE001)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to multi-walled carbon nanotubes (NRCWE006)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to NiZnFe2O4.
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to Fe2O3 (NRCWE018).
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to zinc iron oxide (ZnFe2O4, NRCWE021)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to COOH-functionalized carbon nanotubes (NRCWE042)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to NH2-functionalized carbon nanotubes (NRCWE049)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to pristine single-walled carbon nanotubes (NRCWE055)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to carbon black (Printex 90)
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 rat macrophages cells following exposure to ZnO 4 µg/mL and ZnO 16 µg/mL
Dataset Transcriptomic study of NR8383 cells following exposure to zinc oxide nanoparticles NM110
Dataset Transcriptomic study of PMA-differentiated THP-1 cells following exposure to zinc oxide nanoparticles NM110
Dataset TiO2-induced gene expression profiles in rat lung: a subacute inhalation study


NanoSolveIT provides several computational models [1]:

type resource
Model PhysChem: Zeta potential NanoXtract model
Model NanoSolveIT Tool for Assessment of Human Exposure to Nanomaterials
Model NanoSolveIT Cytotoxicity (Cell Viability) Prediction for Metal Oxide NPs
Model DeepDaph
Model FunMappOne
Model NanoFASE Soil-water-organism model

The Nanosafety Data Interface

The Nanosafety Data Interface provides access to data from a number of EU NanoSafety Cluster projects [2]:

type resource
Database aurora - eNanoMapper database
Database biorima - eNanoMapper database
Database calibrate - eNanoMapper database
Database charisma - eNanoMapper database
Database cusp - eNanoMapper database
Database enanomapper - eNanoMapper database
Database gov4nano - eNanoMapper database
Database gracious - eNanoMapper database
Database harmless - eNanoMapper database
Database imptox - eNanoMapper database
Database nanoinformatix - eNanoMapper database
Database nanoreg - eNanoMapper database
Database nanoreg2 - eNanoMapper database
Database patrols - eNanoMapper database
Database plasticfate - eNanoMapper database
Database plasticheal - eNanoMapper database
Database polyrisk - eNanoMapper database
Database riskgone - eNanoMapper database
Database sabydoma - eNanoMapper database
Database sabyna - eNanoMapper database
Database sbd4nano - eNanoMapper database
Database sunshine - eNanoMapper database


Not all resources have licenses that allow us to immediately use them, but require acquiring a license. This query lists all license information in the current knowledge base:

SPARQL sparql/allLicenses.rq (run)

PREFIX sbd:  <>
PREFIX sbdbel:  <>
PREFIX dcterms: <>
SELECT (COUNT(DISTINCT ?resource) AS ?count) ?license
  VALUES ?ca { sbdbel:CausalAssertion sbd:CausalAssertion }
  ?resource a ?type .
  MINUS { ?resource a ?ca }
  OPTIONAL { ?resource dcterms:license ?license }
} GROUP BY ?license
  ORDER BY DESC(?count)

This gives us:

count license
This table is truncated. See the full table at sparql/allLicenses.rq


Each data source can provide information about different resource types. This table gives an overview for each metadata source what information is provided as basic statistics:

source databases datasets models relationships frameworks guidancetools guidancedocs lcanalyses
Computational models for the assessment of manufactured nanomaterials 0 0 204 0 0 0 0 0
AOP-Wiki AOPs 0 0 290 0 0 0 0 0
AOP-Wiki data 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
AOP-Wiki Key Event Relationships 0 0 0 1993 0 0 0 0
Closed datasets hosted at the Nanosafety Data Interface 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Data completeness and reusability assessment for 34 nanosafety datasets 0 34 0 0 0 0 0 0
FAIRsharing 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
NanoCommons Knowledge Base - powered by BioXM™ 0 59 0 0 0 0 0 0
NanoInformaTIX Tools 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
NanoSolveIT Tools 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0
Open datasets hosted at the Nanosafety Data Interface 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Overview of open datasets released by NanoSafety Cluster projects 0 52 0 0 0 0 0 0
SbD4nano Nanocompound 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0
SmartNanoTox Transcriptomics datasets 0 20 0 0 0 0 0 0

If metadata sources are not listed here, then they are likely not described by a data descriptor header file.


  1. Afantitis A, Melagraki G, Isigonis P, Tsoumanis A, Varsou DD, Valsami-Jones E, et al. NanoSolveIT Project: Driving nanoinformatics research to develop innovative and integrated tools for in silico nanosafety assessment. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2020 Mar 7;18:583–602. doi:10.1016/J.CSBJ.2020.02.023 (Scholia)
  2. Jeliazkova N, Apostolova MD, Andreoli C, Barone F, Barrick A, Battistelli C, et al. Towards FAIR nanosafety data. Nat Nanotechnol. 2021 May 20;16(6):644–54. doi:10.1038/S41565-021-00911-6 (Scholia)