SbD4Nano Resources
This book provides a summary of the semantic landscape of data sources that support
the safe-by-design development of nanomaterials. The book is enriched with
SPARQL queries, written in the SPARQL query language. To learn more about this query
language, consider reading SPARQLing Biology: a beginners course.
Issues, comments, questions can be reported here.
- A Semantic landscape
1.1. General requirements
1.2. Information sources and plugins
1.3. Data sources
1.3.1. SmartNanoTox
1.3.2. NanoSolveIT
1.3.3. The Nanosafety Data Interface
1.3.4. Licenses
1.4. Statistics
- Data
2.1. Databases
2.2. Datasets
- Models
3.1. NanoMaterials
- Guidances
4.1. Guidance tools
4.2. Guidance documents
- Causal relationships
5.1. Relationships for nanomaterials
5.2. Relationships by cause
5.3. Relationships by outcome
5.4. All relationships
- Titanium Oxide
6.1. Resources
6.2. Causal relationships
6.2.1. All tatanium dioxides
6.2.2. All metal oxides
6.3. TiO2 datasets
6.4. TiO2 Models
- Carbon nanotubes
7.1. Causal relationships
7.2. Carbon nanotube datasets
7.3. Carbon nanotube models
- Silver nanoparticles
8.1. Causal relationships
8.2. AgNP datasets
8.3. AgNP models
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement
No. 862195.